Tag: Team Effort

Debate (Literacy)

In Literacy, I have been doing a debate on why we should keep the school time 9am instead of 10am, and the group I was in were Angus, Josaiah and me.

Here is what I wrote for my part in the debate:

The debate continues over when students’ school day should begin, with some advocating for a later start to allow more sleep and benefit well-being. However, the traditional start time offers meaningful advantages that outweigh a delayed schedule. Maintaining the current start promotes societal alignment, as extracurriculars are scheduled in the afternoons and evenings. It also enables parents’ work schedules and transportation coordination. Additionally, a consistent start time establishes healthy sleep routines and stability for students. Although a later start promises more sleep, it requires correspondingly later end times that encroach on family activities. There’s more time after school for opportunities in daylight hours for new hobbies and times for teens to do their part time jobs.

I think our group has done well in our debate, if we were to do it again, I reckon we should add some more research, more facts and more persuasion.

I liked that we worked together, and tried our best to put in some good things to make it sound like a reasonably good debate. I also admire how everyone was a good sportsman to one another, and if I were to do it again, I would do my best to try and keep it stable and persuadable.