Tag: Protection

VR Ocean Experience

Yesterday 3 people from the Blake Organisation came to Tangaroa and presented a talk about ocean life and how humans have slowly polluted the ocean life.

The Blake Organisation was founded by Sir Peter Blake, the famous NZ sailor who won the round the world races in all five legs. We got to see lot’s of the ocean, we learnt lots about the ocean and life that lives there and if you look closely the stingrays have a smile underneath them. We learnt how to tell if an ocean is healthy or unhealthy and the ways to do that are: look what lives there, see what’s growing there and how clear the water is. Sir Peter Blake died on the 5 December, 2001 at Macapá, state of Amapá, Brazil from pirates.
In the logo for Blake it has a massive bird in it and that massive bird is an Albatross because as he was sailing there were a lot of Albatross flying with his boat.
I came up with some ideas that could help us stop pollution and over fishing.
Pollution: We could stop using plastic bottles, wrappers and all that, We could clean up after yourself and others if they don’t do it.
Over fishing: We could take only 5 fish a day and not fish in the same spot, we could stop eating seafood like sushi, etc.
if we stop over fishing we will be able to have healthier environments and if we stop polluting that means we would be able to have our environments safe for our next generation to come.