Tag: Primary

Top Team 2023

On Tuesday we had people come in from Canterbury Primary Sports, we got to do lots of activities such as: a big ski board and we had to all lift our feet at the same time and move them forward to try and move, we had a sponge bucket to bucket challenge where we had a sponge and 2 buckets, we had to make sure that we got as much water from one bucket to another without the water dripping too much, we also had a golf ball one where we had this gutter type things and some golf balls we had to get the golf balls one end to the other into another bucket and see how much we got up at the end, we had a tic tac toe one which was so fun, we had to run real fast and place down a nought or a cross, last but not least we had a tennis ball and put it on to the end of the big spoon and we had to do a hard obstacle course.

After all of the activities we had to stay in our team and our scores got added up and we had drum rolls for the top 3, it turns out we got 4th but over all Top team was very fun and it was very hot, so the sponge challenge came in handy and it refreshed us.

Over all I reckon I had used all of the R.I.S.E values on Tuesday because to achieve things we needed to work as a team and were able to do the right things at the right time, especially the ski board one.