Tag: New Term

Action Stations

This term for action stations I have been playing / learning chess, we are put in to a randomized order, from where we start, we have to go against the other player that’s above us and if we win we swap and go up a space, but if we lose we stay the same place. I have practiced online and played against other students.

I have enjoyed it, I already knew how to set up the board and move the pieces, but now I am trying to find new strategies. I won against Noah and I moved up a space on the leader board. I am now 7 on the leader board.

The Starting Of Term 2

This is the start of my second term in year 7, I have been doing everything I had to do in term 1 but this term I would like to do more then I need to do., and I would like to accomplish things I may not of acquired last term. I have been doing literacy,  in literacy I had to do handwriting, spelling, writing stories and doing some reading tests, my goals for literacy this term is still handwriting and reading out loud better, in maths I have been doing multiplications, factors, divisions and subtractions, my goals for maths this term are being able to get the answers quicker and not to over complicate things, In Te Reo Maori I have been learning the numbers up to 1000 and the days of the week.