Tag: Maths

Maths test

Today in maths, I had to fill out a sheet, with decimals and numbers, here is my working out, I have used to figure out the solution, It’s a bit hard to see because of the Chromebook cameras aren’t that good, but here’s my working solution.

We had to this sheet, and here are the answers including the questions.

It was quite hard, but not too hard, I figured it a little bit challenging but I like the way that it made me think and work hard.


Today in Maths I did some probability tasks, they were quite easy hence I have been practising, and they were really fun to accomplish.


This one was that we had to put a certain                                                       This one was that we had to colour the

amount of lollies into this bag by reading the                                                 boxes randomly however we want and

fractions on the side.                                                                                            then we have to write them in fractions

and then write them into percentages.


Maths Week 5 Term 2


In maths, I have been learning about angles and analogue clocks for hero maths, We have to do area and perimeter and I’ll give you an example, so the area of a square that has 10 length and 10 width would be 100 because you’re just timesing the 10 and 10. And the perimeter of a square that is 10 by 10 would be 40 since there’s 4 sides of a 2d square. The shape above is a shape split up into 3 sections, I calculated that area a would be 18cm² because 6 x 3 = 18, I thought area b was 12 because 4 x 3 = 12 and I thought area c was 10 because 2 x 5 = 10 and if I add all those numbers together I get my answer, so 18 + 12 = 30 + 10 = 40 so 40cm² would be my answer.

Say if shape a had 8 cm by 1 cm and shape b has 4 cm and 3 cm and shape c had 5 cm and 2 cm it would be 30cm² because shape a would be 8 because 8 x 1 = 8 and shape b is 12 because 4 x 3 = 12 and shape c would be 10 since 5 x 2 = 10, add those all together and it equals 30cm² and that’s how you work out the area of a shape.

Hero Maths Term 2 Week 2

Telling the time of an Analogue Clock

On Monday, I had to do some more hero maths for school and we had to do analogue clocks again but instead of doing just telling the time normally, we had to do quarter to and quarter past, it’s very easy when you think about it because a quarter of 60 is 15 and half is 30 so half past 5 would be 5:30, quarter to 2 would be 1:45 and quarter past 2 would be 2:15.

Here is quarter to 12,     Here is quarter past 1  and  Here is quarter to 9


The Starting Of Term 2

This is the start of my second term in year 7, I have been doing everything I had to do in term 1 but this term I would like to do more then I need to do., and I would like to accomplish things I may not of acquired last term. I have been doing literacy,  in literacy I had to do handwriting, spelling, writing stories and doing some reading tests, my goals for literacy this term is still handwriting and reading out loud better, in maths I have been doing multiplications, factors, divisions and subtractions, my goals for maths this term are being able to get the answers quicker and not to over complicate things, In Te Reo Maori I have been learning the numbers up to 1000 and the days of the week.

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