Tag: Hobbies

Writing Prompt

What do I like to do when I’m not at school?

I like to play video games, eat snacks, laze around and watch movies. I like to be chilled out sometimes but I then go out and about from time to time when I’m feeling energetic. I like running around or kicking a ball outside, I take my dog out on walks and sometimes go for a run with her. Over all I just like being active.

What is the best thing on the playground?

I think the playground called Hiki Hiki is my favourite playground because it has 2 net swings, it has a rotating climber, it has a big slide, a small slide, a flying fox and monkey bars. My favourites are the net swings and the rotating climber.

What would I like to invent?

I would like to invent a portable teleportation machine that can teleport you to school. It can get you to work on time, makes it that you don’t have to rush. It could be very handy if you were playing hide and seek or if you were trying to get out of a situation you don’t want to handle. I will be able to have a chill morning before going to school because than I can just do everything quickly and then teleport my way to school, It would be handy in man hunt too.