Tag: goals

Passion Project Goals

For passion project, I do capture the flag, and my goals for capture the flag are to score as many goals as possible and try not to get ripped, and also saving lot’s of people from the other side that have been ripped.

My overall progress in the goals were pretty good, I got 2 goals and I ran and threw a lot of people off by running in two directions, I also ran really fast and our team won 1 of the matches and the other team won the other match. The matches lasted for 45 minutes, and my goals this time were a bit easier because I managed to actually get some scores.

Passion Project 10/6/24

In passion projects I’m doing capture the flag. My goal today is to work on getting goals by running with the ball all the way to the end without getting tagged. I really like playing capture the flag because it is a very fun way to run around and play with friends.  My overall goal was very good this time because I managed to score 2 goals without dropping the ball or getting tagged. I tagged lots of people and I out ran lots as well.

I really liked that game because the teams were pretty even and we had lots of fun.