Tag: Canterburys

End Of The Year Reflection

I have had many things this year like camp, athletics, top team and much more.

I have liked this year because I have been able to get involved in a lot more things than I had used to, my goals were not getting distracted by others, being able to get my multiplication on target and getting my handwriting better by practising at different times, I have accomplished all of my goals this year.

When I first came to Tangaroa I was a bit nervous, but the teachers made me feel at home, and they helped me settle in, I made some more friends and was beginning to like this class now, I love Tangaroa now and it has been my favourite class out of all the years, I can’t wait for high school.

My next year goals are to be able to accomplish things I once could never do, and I’d like to be able to make my handwriting fancy instead of it being a plain font.

My highlights for this year were camp because I got to do lots and lots of fun activities and we got to do the best forest walks and get to go inside of a river, top team because it was fun to do all of these cool activities, athletics because I got to compete in the races we had to do, and zones because I got to try to get to Canterburys, I didn’t but I was happy to get to zones.

When I leave school I want to be a lawyer.


Zones For Athletics

On Tuesday, we had Athletics Zones, In order to make it to zones you have to make the top two of your race / activity, I came 1st for middle distance so I went to zones for that, I had to do a very big run around a 400 meter track and we had to do three laps, it was very tiring but I got 4th at the end  of the day. Sadly I didn’t make it in for Canterburys but that is alright it just matters that I was there and I was having fun.