Category: Hanga | Create

Circle Time Personal Space

It’s okay to enter someone’s personal space when they say it’s okay or they’re your family.

The fence keeps the house protected by who is in the house and who is outside your fence who is in your house you your family your extended family and grandparents. It’s who is outside your fence who are your friends, neighbours and strangers.

Hindu Kush

Link For Our Work

We looked at an article that said the Hindu Kush Himalayan range has been  affected by global warming and that the glaciers are melting. See The Article.

Hindu Kush Himalayan mountain ranges and could lose up to 80% of their current volume in this century if greenhouse gas emissions aren’t sharply reduced according to a new report. n

This is where flash floods and avalanches are coming from.

All Flushed Out

On Monday, we had a person called Jen from c.c.c (Christchurch City Council) come in and talk to us about many important things around what we have recently been learning.

We were told about the percentages of where most of our wastewater comes from, 25% from the shower, and only 2% from the bath, 18% from the toilet and more.

We also had a box of things that we had to sort in to what’s allowed to go in the toilet and what’s not allowed to be. The things I thought were supposed to go in the toilet were: Toilet paper, number 1 and number 2.

Arbor Week In Tangaroa

Link For Planting Trees From Cuttings Video.

This week in Tangaroa we have been celebrating Arbor Day, it’s possible to grow a new tree by a cutting a small stem or twig from an existing tree. Many of the native trees at school can be grown this way, by choosing the right part of the parent tree to cut, and using some special techniques to give the new cutting the best conditions for survival. I enjoyed picking my cuttings of some certain trees, the Eucalyptus/Gum tree was probably my favourite one to cut. 

How did you celebrate Arbor Day?

Flow Chart Of Recycling Our Paper


Today we had to make a flow chart for the recycling of our paper I made a flow chart about recycling and it went like this, Firstly I ask for some paper then I will ask to draw if they say yes I will starting drawing, if the say no I will put it in the bin and then that paper would get recycled, after I drew something if they said yes, I would turn the paper to the other side and start drawing on that side rather then wasting paper, then I would give it to the teacher to keep, or I will keep it.

Samoan Language Week

This week is Samoan language week I learnt that counting up from 1 to 10 is basically the same as Maori because it sounds the same, it goes: Tasi, lua, tolu, fā, lima, ono, fitu, valu, iva, sefulu. I loved counting up to ten in Maori but I think I might like counting up to ten in Samoan better, I hope you guys had a great Samoan Language Week!

Hero Maths – Measurements Week 6 Term 2


Today we had to measure angles and create our own ones on an online whiteboard with a protractor, I made some angles and my favourite one was probably the 153 degree angle and I enjoyed using the protractor, I liked making up my own angles and trying to work them out, rather than having to work out an angle someone else has made.