Category: Hanga | Create


Anxiety, what would I do to manage anxiety?

I would have some deep breaths and I would have to try and manage my self on High Medium & Low you would wanna be on Medium because it gives you the right amount of everything. I would try not to over think it, and everyone has a little child in them that makes them a bit nervous and scared of things from time to time.

Every now and then some hiccups happen like when you get called out to come get an award in front of a big crowd or something like that, you can get scared and nervous but just take some deep breaths and don’t over think it.

Term 4 Goals

For term 4, I would like to set my self a goal to make me sign up for more things in the next term, I would also like to stop drifting off sometimes when I’m supposed to be listening. I would like to make my self accomplish more than I usually would, and I’d like to be better at just being me, I am excited to sign up for more things next term because I have signed up for Choice & Challenge, and I’m hosting Capture The Flag for it.

Writing | Term 3

In literacy I have been working on my writing, we had to pick 3 questions off a slide show and I chose these three: What could you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?, If you knew the answer to any question, what would it be? and When was the last time you tried something new for the first time.?

What could you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? I could accomplish lots of things. Such as: Fly up into the sky, run around for as long as I want to, Eat as much food as I want to without being too full, and drink my favourite beverage: Chocolate or Spearmint Milkshake. I wish I could do all these because in the years to come I can accomplish all these things, I want to be able to fly to school without having to be too tired before even playing, I want to be able to have an amazing food without being too full and I want to  be able to run around for a long, long time.


If you knew the answer to any question, what would it be? It would be the answer to stop pollution, life hunger and war. I would like to stop all of these things because it is very sad for people that don’t have enough money to buy things to survive. I want to be able to feed everyone that needs it and I also want to be able to stop the war so people don’t have to die without it being natural causes. If we could stop the pollution for the world, because we will live in such a healthy environment and we won’t make the world gross.


When was the last time you tried something new for the first time? Today, I did a Choice & Challenge. I want to do first things again because they can be amazing once you get to do it, you can learn lots of things and you can accomplish much more in the years to come. If we could get more and more people to sign up for things because we can make our society much more exciting.

If you want the doc that I write this on, go to the link.

Term 3 Reflection | Tangaroa

This Term (Term 3) I have been doing inquiry and in inquiry I have been doing cleaners I have made a soap to wash your hands and we have compared it to regular soap on agar jelly. If you want more information about my inquiry you can go check out my blog post called “Inquiry Project.”

This term I have been looking at controlling distractions around me, I haven’t been quite busy enough so I will need to work on my work no matter what is distracting me.

Inquiry Project

For inquiry I have chosen Talei’s group and she is doing cleaning products and all that, I have made a soap with my friends: Malachi and Sonny, I liked making it and then we tested it on some agar jelly. We used 3 petri dishes, we have been experimenting and we are going to find out what one is going to work better? store bought? or our soap? We have been doing lot’s or cleaning products, other groups in our inquiry are doing weed killer, dish washing liquid and soap. Me, Sonny and Malachi have made our company name and we called it: “Green Grayson.” We have been doing this because we need to eliminate the packaging, for looking after the Environment. Here is my hypothesis.

<– This is our soap.  <– This is store bought soap.

This is a dirty hand.



The photos are of our agar jelly after a while of how it has evolved.


Poetry | Literacy

In literacy we have been doing poetry and in poetry we have been making poems, there are so many poems you can get, the ones I know about are these Haiku, Tanka, Lyric, Limerick,  Acrostic, etc. I have made some poems and I will give you the link to look at them. Onomatopoeia, Limerick, Diamante, Haiku & Tanka, Senses, Bio poem, I have been working on  these for the past couple of weeks.




Technology | Term 3 | Wood Works

This term In Technology I am in Wood Works and I have been making a Papa Hou (Wooden Box) im going to put all my valuables inside of it and hide it around my room… I have been enjoying Tech this term and I have also made a wooden spatula I even carved my name into it with a metal heat gun thingie.

I Like to make my wooden box with my friends by my side to help me if I’m in need.

Cantamaths 2023 | Maths

This year we have been doing Cantamaths, I have made a times table game on Scratch

If you wanna check out my specific game I made for Cantamaths, scan this QR code.

If you’d like to create your own project on scratch… you can look up some tutorials to coding and choose your own sprites. If you’d like to make let’s say, a jumping game on scratch use this tutorial.

