Category: Hanga | Create

Action Stations

This term for action stations I have been playing / learning chess, we are put in to a randomized order, from where we start, we have to go against the other player that’s above us and if we win we swap and go up a space, but if we lose we stay the same place. I have practiced online and played against other students.

I have enjoyed it, I already knew how to set up the board and move the pieces, but now I am trying to find new strategies. I won against Noah and I moved up a space on the leader board. I am now 7 on the leader board.

Examining the credibility of a source

Perspective  My Notes My Notes
My article Article 5 – You tube video from Top10! Article 1 – Google search
Who is the author?

 Where does this information come from?

A youtube channel called Top10. Lot’s of websites from across google.
Does the author/organization have any biases that may influence what they chose to include? Probably not. There was no bias.
Who is the audience? 

Is the audience likely to think this source is credible? 

Anyone who watches lots of chemistry videos because it would appear in their recommended videos.

I don’t think that is very credible because we don’t actually know who got the info and where.

The audience is anyone who searches it.
What makes this source reliable? Why might you trust this information? People might think that it is a reliable source because it sounds official even though it’s not. It’s from lots of different people across the internet.


Debate (Literacy)

In Literacy, I have been doing a debate on why we should keep the school time 9am instead of 10am, and the group I was in were Angus, Josaiah and me.

Here is what I wrote for my part in the debate:

The debate continues over when students’ school day should begin, with some advocating for a later start to allow more sleep and benefit well-being. However, the traditional start time offers meaningful advantages that outweigh a delayed schedule. Maintaining the current start promotes societal alignment, as extracurriculars are scheduled in the afternoons and evenings. It also enables parents’ work schedules and transportation coordination. Additionally, a consistent start time establishes healthy sleep routines and stability for students. Although a later start promises more sleep, it requires correspondingly later end times that encroach on family activities. There’s more time after school for opportunities in daylight hours for new hobbies and times for teens to do their part time jobs.

I think our group has done well in our debate, if we were to do it again, I reckon we should add some more research, more facts and more persuasion.

I liked that we worked together, and tried our best to put in some good things to make it sound like a reasonably good debate. I also admire how everyone was a good sportsman to one another, and if I were to do it again, I would do my best to try and keep it stable and persuadable.


This week in Technology, I have been doing digi-tech (digital technology.) In digi-tech, I have been learning how to code games. There is this one website we use most regularly it’s called  Cospaces. We have been using it to create our own games and use the coding skills to try make it almost like a parkour game or more. We have learnt that we need to make the game not too easy, not too hard, but just the perfect amount of easy and a bit of hard so it is actually fun.




Maths test

Today in maths, I had to fill out a sheet, with decimals and numbers, here is my working out, I have used to figure out the solution, It’s a bit hard to see because of the Chromebook cameras aren’t that good, but here’s my working solution.

We had to this sheet, and here are the answers including the questions.

It was quite hard, but not too hard, I figured it a little bit challenging but I like the way that it made me think and work hard.


This week I have been doing Duolingo, I have been learning Japanese, and also I’ve learnt how to say some things, sushi is su shi, water is mi zu, green tea is o cha, and please is ku da sa i.  Duolingo is a very good app to try and learn new languages, I recommend that you get it and start learning any languages.

Persuasive Writing

Today I finished my persuasive writing, I improved it by adding more paragraphs to separate the different stages.

Why sports is better than TV, sports is better than TV because you get to get fit, healthy and live a long life, you get exercise that will help you in your life you will get fit and athletic and you will be able to run, do things you wouldn’t think you would’ve been able to do. You get strong, fit, and healthy, so you can live a good long life. TV is bad for your eyes, and also has links towards anxiety and depression.


Sports are really good for mental health and lead you to success through life. TV is bad because it can also lead towards obesity, sleep problems and chronic neck and back problems. If adults do more sports then they can lead by example for the young, they will be able to get fit and healthy so they will have a great time too, if they find their desired sports.


Sports is way better, at least your fit, and having a good time outside of the house, we want to make these percentages of how many people participate in sports, and also decrease the percentage of obesity.   

Persuasive Writing Paragraph

My cousin got diagnosed with cancer. And If I don’t save him I’m going to die of sadness. According to the doctor, he has stage 4 cancer, and only has 5 days to live and by the time it’s 1 day left he can choose if he wants to get cured or not. I hope he will get cancer treatment and be fine. I saw that he had lost a bit of hair last time I saw him. I want him  to not be in pain or him to die. It’s been 3 days and I have visited him, he was bald, and it made me worried and I can’t help but cry to see him like this. Please donate to my charity to help me get the cure for his cancer. Donate by texting the amount you want to donate to this number: 0800 976 324.


We are learning about persuasive writing. I had to write this in literacy today, in this paragraph I have used Exaggeration and repetition.

Camp Goal Setting

On Tuesday, 13th February, Tangaroa (My class) is going to Spencer park for a 1 night camp. We have to show our RISE values.

Resilience (The ability to bounce back from difficult challenges if they are hard) I will show this by getting back on track if I am tired from the bike ride to Spencer Park.

Integrity (Being Honest) I will show this by not lying to anyone.

Success (The accomplishment of an aim) I will do this by giving a go at all the activities and trying to finish them even if they’re hard.

Empathy (The ability to sense other peoples emotions and don’t put them down) I will show this by not talking or being loud when everyone is trying to sleep.