Category: Hanga | Create

Passion Project Goals

For passion project, I do capture the flag, and my goals for capture the flag are to score as many goals as possible and try not to get ripped, and also saving lot’s of people from the other side that have been ripped.

My overall progress in the goals were pretty good, I got 2 goals and I ran and threw a lot of people off by running in two directions, I also ran really fast and our team won 1 of the matches and the other team won the other match. The matches lasted for 45 minutes, and my goals this time were a bit easier because I managed to actually get some scores.

Matariki Pixel Art

Today for Matariki, we had to make a pixel art that involves the 9 Matariki stars (Matariki, Tupuārangi, Waipuna-ā-Rangi, Waitī, Tupuānuku, Ururangi, Waitā, Pōhutukawa and Hiwa-i-te-Rangi.)

I made a landscape with a tree, a moon and the 9 stars of Matariki. We have been learning lots about Matariki and this was a nice idea to make a pixel art about matariki.

Spelling Prefixes

I was walking to my house after I saw my friend and he told me that he was going to come around for a play so we can actually hangout, so I was walking back and I saw this guy listening to music REALLY loud and when the song stopped he had to wait for 30 seconds because of the intermission was so long because he had ads, once I was home, I setup my Xbox, and got some snacks for us to have, we really liked sour patch kids so I got some of those.

I heard a knock on the door, my friend was here, he said “yo, let’s play!” I replied “alright” we sat on the couch and gamed and snacked on food for 30 minutes, then we got bored so we decided to go out to the park, I was very well slept because I did quite a lot of oversleeping in the morning. We went to the park, and I said we should play hide and seek, he agreed, I hid first, he counted to 30, I ran to go behind a little ship and then I was there for a little while. It turned out that we had accidentally interfered with someone’s golf course.

Nano Girl Assembly

Yesterday we had to go to the whole school assembly and watch someone called ‘Nano Girl’ she was a science YouTuber, we had to look at all of the experiments there were some like ‘floating’ ‘air pressure’ ‘levitation’ ‘telekinesis’ and setting her hand on fire.

For the telekinesis she used a thing she called an ‘air kazooka’ its literally just a trash bin with a net that u pull to shoot air out of it, she filled it up with fog so we could see it shoot, she shot the ‘air kazooka’ at a girl because she had a cup on her head that she had to try get off with the air.

For the floating she grabbed a leaf blower and a beach ball, she threw the ball up and turned the leaf blower on, and it flew up.

For the air pressure’ one she grabbed a long balloon, and she had to blow air very fast into the balloon so it would create low pressure to make it fill up fast.

For the hand on fire experiment, she dipped her hand into a see through liquid that made it that her hand wouldn’t burn, she called it the invisible glove, she then used a lighter and lit it on fire and it went up in flames.

They named themselves Spider Girl and Quantum Dynamo.

Literacy Writing Prompt

When I was running away from this MASSIVE explosion that tried to swallow me whole… I saw 7 of my friends die, 3 of them severely injured and my mum and dad sadly passed away in it, the explosion kept expanding and we had to run away as fast as possible without dying, I kept running, but I tripped I quickly got back up and kept running but I didn’t realize it was right behind me I tripped over again and it consumed me…

I woke up in a room, a plain white room, I was wondering how I didn’t die and I was really confused and tried to get out of the chair I was in, but I was handcuffed to it and rope was strapped around my chest all the way around the chair, I screamed and screamed and then I heard footsteps, the door slammed open, and out came a lady with a white lab coat, I said “who are you?” she didn’t respond but then she cut me off and said “so, how are you?” I was confused “what do you mean?” I replied “well we were just trying out an experiment on you to see how you’d react to a massive explosion trying to kill you,” “WELL COULD YOU AT LEAST OF TOLD ME!?” “no.” she replied.

I heard a very deafening sound and it kind of sounded like an explosion, I went to go look but I couldn’t I was stuck here,  I heard lot’s of screams, and I got very scared, I then saw the massive amount of bricks and debris shooting out of the walls and then I saw the MASSIVE EXPLOSION COMING TOWARDS ME, I COULDN’T DO ANYTHING SO I DECIDED THAT I SAY MY PRAYERS, I woke up AGAIN in another white room but this time it was heaven.. because god was there, well I mean I’m pretty sure that this is heaven because if it is another test I would probably just punch the people setting this up.. but it turns out that it was actually heaven so I just chilled.

Passion Project 10/6/24

In passion projects I’m doing capture the flag. My goal today is to work on getting goals by running with the ball all the way to the end without getting tagged. I really like playing capture the flag because it is a very fun way to run around and play with friends.  My overall goal was very good this time because I managed to score 2 goals without dropping the ball or getting tagged. I tagged lots of people and I out ran lots as well.

I really liked that game because the teams were pretty even and we had lots of fun.

Samoan Language Week

Today, we did a task about Samoan Language week, we had to make a 4 piece tapa cloth using the drawing tools from google drive. The picture above is my design and you can have a look through the slide on this link. I think it is good that we are respecting and celebrating different cultures and how cool one another are.

Action Stations

This term for action stations I have been playing / learning chess, we are put in to a randomized order, from where we start, we have to go against the other player that’s above us and if we win we swap and go up a space, but if we lose we stay the same place. I have practiced online and played against other students.

I have enjoyed it, I already knew how to set up the board and move the pieces, but now I am trying to find new strategies. I won against Noah and I moved up a space on the leader board. I am now 7 on the leader board.

Examining the credibility of a source

Perspective  My Notes My Notes
My article Article 5 – You tube video from Top10! Article 1 – Google search
Who is the author?

 Where does this information come from?

A youtube channel called Top10. Lot’s of websites from across google.
Does the author/organization have any biases that may influence what they chose to include? Probably not. There was no bias.
Who is the audience? 

Is the audience likely to think this source is credible? 

Anyone who watches lots of chemistry videos because it would appear in their recommended videos.

I don’t think that is very credible because we don’t actually know who got the info and where.

The audience is anyone who searches it.
What makes this source reliable? Why might you trust this information? People might think that it is a reliable source because it sounds official even though it’s not. It’s from lots of different people across the internet.


Debate (Literacy)

In Literacy, I have been doing a debate on why we should keep the school time 9am instead of 10am, and the group I was in were Angus, Josaiah and me.

Here is what I wrote for my part in the debate:

The debate continues over when students’ school day should begin, with some advocating for a later start to allow more sleep and benefit well-being. However, the traditional start time offers meaningful advantages that outweigh a delayed schedule. Maintaining the current start promotes societal alignment, as extracurriculars are scheduled in the afternoons and evenings. It also enables parents’ work schedules and transportation coordination. Additionally, a consistent start time establishes healthy sleep routines and stability for students. Although a later start promises more sleep, it requires correspondingly later end times that encroach on family activities. There’s more time after school for opportunities in daylight hours for new hobbies and times for teens to do their part time jobs.

I think our group has done well in our debate, if we were to do it again, I reckon we should add some more research, more facts and more persuasion.

I liked that we worked together, and tried our best to put in some good things to make it sound like a reasonably good debate. I also admire how everyone was a good sportsman to one another, and if I were to do it again, I would do my best to try and keep it stable and persuadable.