Email Literacy Task

In Literacy today, we had to finish off our writing  about a fake email about a complaint that there was an extension of school hours… And here is mine!

Hello MP, 

My name is [Insert Name Here] and I would like to file a complaint about the extension of school hours, most people work 9 till 5, however some people don’t. That could be a very BIG problem, the reason for that being is because people could start work at 2:00pm and finish at 6:00pm.

 This would make it really hard to arrange someone to pick up their child from school at the new extended hours.

  Although it could improve up to 15% increase in literacy levels and a 20% improvement in numeracy skills, it won’t be good for people that have very hard working jobs and need the money for it.

I would like you to reverse these extended school hours because it is VERY hard for me to get my kids from school, whilst getting money from my job. 

I would be VERY grateful if you changed these extended school hours back to normal, the change from 9am – 3pm to 9am – 5pm will be very hard for me to get my kids back from school and home safely, because we live a 20 minute walk, a 15 minute bike and a 10 minute drive away from school.

So please help everyone with letting this extension of school hours all blow away.

Sincerely, [Insert Name Here]

I had a buddy and we had to show each other our work on this, my buddy said I did great and he also said that it was very clear what I wanted to be done and how it could’ve affected  people.

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