Literacy Writing Prompt

When I was running away from this MASSIVE explosion that tried to swallow me whole… I saw 7 of my friends die, 3 of them severely injured and my mum and dad sadly passed away in it, the explosion kept expanding and we had to run away as fast as possible without dying, I kept running, but I tripped I quickly got back up and kept running but I didn’t realize it was right behind me I tripped over again and it consumed me…

I woke up in a room, a plain white room, I was wondering how I didn’t die and I was really confused and tried to get out of the chair I was in, but I was handcuffed to it and rope was strapped around my chest all the way around the chair, I screamed and screamed and then I heard footsteps, the door slammed open, and out came a lady with a white lab coat, I said “who are you?” she didn’t respond but then she cut me off and said “so, how are you?” I was confused “what do you mean?” I replied “well we were just trying out an experiment on you to see how you’d react to a massive explosion trying to kill you,” “WELL COULD YOU AT LEAST OF TOLD ME!?” “no.” she replied.

I heard a very deafening sound and it kind of sounded like an explosion, I went to go look but I couldn’t I was stuck here,  I heard lot’s of screams, and I got very scared, I then saw the massive amount of bricks and debris shooting out of the walls and then I saw the MASSIVE EXPLOSION COMING TOWARDS ME, I COULDN’T DO ANYTHING SO I DECIDED THAT I SAY MY PRAYERS, I woke up AGAIN in another white room but this time it was heaven.. because god was there, well I mean I’m pretty sure that this is heaven because if it is another test I would probably just punch the people setting this up.. but it turns out that it was actually heaven so I just chilled.

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