Month: May 2024

Samoan Language Week

Today, we did a task about Samoan Language week, we had to make a 4 piece tapa cloth using the drawing tools from google drive. The picture above is my design and you can have a look through the slide on this link. I think it is good that we are respecting and celebrating different cultures and how cool one another are.

Action Stations

This term for action stations I have been playing / learning chess, we are put in to a randomized order, from where we start, we have to go against the other player that’s above us and if we win we swap and go up a space, but if we lose we stay the same place. I have practiced online and played against other students.

I have enjoyed it, I already knew how to set up the board and move the pieces, but now I am trying to find new strategies. I won against Noah and I moved up a space on the leader board. I am now 7 on the leader board.

Examining the credibility of a source

Perspective  My Notes My Notes
My article Article 5 – You tube video from Top10! Article 1 – Google search
Who is the author?

 Where does this information come from?

A youtube channel called Top10. Lot’s of websites from across google.
Does the author/organization have any biases that may influence what they chose to include? Probably not. There was no bias.
Who is the audience? 

Is the audience likely to think this source is credible? 

Anyone who watches lots of chemistry videos because it would appear in their recommended videos.

I don’t think that is very credible because we don’t actually know who got the info and where.

The audience is anyone who searches it.
What makes this source reliable? Why might you trust this information? People might think that it is a reliable source because it sounds official even though it’s not. It’s from lots of different people across the internet.