Year: 2023

First Day Of Tech

Today (Thursday, February 9th) we went to Tech and my group did Cooking, We made fruit salads with Peaches, Apples, Oranges, Grapes and bananas with some lemon juice and passion fruit topping and at the end we got to choose if we wanted either Custard or Yogurt, We put them in smoothie cups and ate it with a plastic spoon.

We got to chop up all the fruits by ourselves, add our toppings and wash our dishes which was so fun.

My group was Josiah, Jed, Angus and I. We made our own individual fruit salad cups and it turned out everyone in my group chose custard for our toppings.

Week 1 Reflection

At Rāwhiti, my first week of being a senior. I have been doing a lot of rotation activities in our Kaiawhina groups To see one of my rotation activity check on my other blog post called: Avatar.

I have signed up for as man things as I could and things I could be good at.

It takes a while to get used to the classroom and where to eat but I think I’m already used to it by now, I am also 1 step closer to being at high school.

I am excited for this year because we can sign up for lots more things and we can also swap Kaiawhina groups if we want to be in a group with our friends.

I have also learnt about Waitangi a bit more.



Today In Tangaroa for our Rotation Activities, We got to make our own Avatars and here is myne.

I made this avatar on google drive with the drawing tools.