Year: 2023

Circle Time | Literacy

At school every Wednesday, we do circle time. Today at circle time, we learnt about communication. To be exact, listening. We found out that paying attention and listening to the person when they’re talking is helpful for them to understand that we are listening to them and are interested.

We also learnt the three R’s: Repeat, Reflect and respond , repeat meant that if you are listening you are able to repeat the question or conversation. Reflect means that you can reflect on what you’ve been told. Respond means you can respond nicely or actually respond rather than ignoring them.

Sustainable Scrubbers | Inquiry

In inquiry we have to look at environmental friendly germ killing resources we are going to be making our own natural cleaner, we’re making our own mould to test the natural cleaning product on.

For the first task, we had to research a cleaning product for its purpose, and then had to find out if it was harmful. if it is we had to white how if not wed write no or if we couldn’t find if it was harmful or not.

How Does Vaping Affect The Body?

Vaping information 

How does vaping affect the body. It affects the body and causes you to seek a smoke and suffer removal symptoms if you ignore the seeking.

It is bad for your heart, lungs and brain.

  • lavorants such as diacetyl, a chemical linked to serious lung disease.
  • volatile organic compounds.
  • heavy metals, such as nickel, tin, and lead.

20% of people in the US between 18 and 29 years of age vape, compared to 16% of people between 30 and 64 years old. Less than 1% of adults 65 and older vape.

It can give you cardiovascular disease.

Vaping can cause:

  • coughing.
  • dry mouth and throat.
  • shortness of breath.
  • mouth and throat irritation.
  • headaches.




Yesterday I made a bio-poem about my dad a bio-poem is about a person or your self, this is my bio-poem


Who is kind, optimistic, genuine,

Who is the father of me and my sister,

Who loves my entire family like there’s no tomorrow.

Who feels compassion, happiness, and fulfilment.

Who needs family, friends and education to thrive

Who gives my attention, my time, and my effort,

Who fears the unknown. Who would see my grandparents one last time.

Who lives in New Zealand. 



School Lunches T3 W2

The new school lunches are way better than they used to be, today it was burritos and they were really nice and I would give them a 9/10.

The lunches on Wednesday was lasagne with warm garlic bread buffet rolls. I would give the Lasagne a 9/10 as well because it was really yum but the garlic bread buffet rolls alone were 10/10.


Being Ready

When I’m ready for work I’m happy.

When I’m ready for work I feel relieved.

Who is affected and how are they affected when I am not ready? People will feel bored and angry if they have to repeat what they were saying before.

Is being ready a life skill/habit? I think it’s a life skill to be ready.

Here are some words that show being ready.

  • Well timed
  • Prepared
  • Early
  • Willing
  • Minded


Today we were learning that there are many ways to represent a number. These are some ways to represent 1/2.

In words: Half of the number is just it being divided by 2.

As the answer to an addition sentence: 1 + ½ of 1 = 1.5.

As the answer to a multiplication sentence: 5 x 10 = ½ of 100.

As a word problem: Matt had 2 slices of cake, he gave 1 slice (½) of cake to Steve.

As an equivalent fraction: ½.

As a decimal: 0.5. 

As a percentage it’s 50%

As a picture: