Month: April 2023

Hover-Goat 3000

The hover-goat 3000 is a myth but also some people believe that they see it in the farm just hovering there on a hoverboard with his purple sunglasses and his purple pink hat, he has a minigun laid on his back and his sunglasses make it easier to see people that are behind him and people that are trying to catch him, trust me when I say don’t go hunting for this goat, don’t go hunting for this goat, because he will obliterate you and your fate will be at hoof. This Hover-Goat 3000 was known to be a part of the distant future generation of all goats.


It says that if you disturb this feral goat it will haunt you for the rest of your life and it will wake you up in the middle of night.


I have experienced this beast roaming through the farm meadow, this goat likes to lurk in the shadows of the dark bushes and lush long grass. The goat has one nemesis and that nemesis is one of the 50 Stumps, it likes to hide within the forest of crazy dave’s tree house, the stump is a massive tree stump but when it gets angry it starts firing fireballs at you, but if you make it super angry it turns blue and shoots a rapid fire full auto fireballs with a massive fire blast out of his mouth. The stump and hover-goat 3000 have been fighting over a century and after some time the hover-goat 3000 and stumps all died except for one of each.


The hover-goat 3000 and the last of many stumps have been bound nemesis’s for a long time, they thought about it for a while but then they retreated back to there own homes into the future, the hover-goat 3000 went back to Zomburbia to Zomboss’ laboratory and the Stump went back to Suburbia to Crazy Dave’s tree house. The blue key has been obtained for the Trials Of Gnomus and the Hover-goat 3000 and stump rushes to the portal to go into the future and begin searching for the puzzles within the blue door. The hover-goat 3000 found a rainbow chest that had to be opened with stars obtained up in Zomburbia, the hover-goat 3000 teleported to Zomboss’ laboratory and stole some of the stars from his boss, he teleported back to the trials of Gnomus, opened the chest and got a massive amount of coins (3 Million) he went back to Zomboss’ laboratory and he bought some things to help him beat the Trials Of Gnomus. He went back and instantly won it, he got rewarded with a whole entire team of commando snipers that protected him from all the gnomes within range.


The hover-goat 3000 thought to himself “why keep all this to himself?” “he could give a commando soldier to the stump and they could become friends” He went over to the stump, gave him a commando soldier and said ‘can we be friends?’ ‘I would like t-’ BANG the hover-goat 3000 was shot by the stumps commando, the stump laughed and laughed but the hover-goat 3000’s commando snipers shot the stump what seemed like 50 gazillion times. CRASH the stump fell to the ground. Hover-goat 3000 got back up and zoomed away to Zomboss’ laboratory in the medic department. He got fixed and it was like nothing ever happened.


The stump somehow got back up on his feet and wanted to kill that hover-goat 3000 but he thought that he could just keep calm and be friends with that hover-goat 3000, ‘eh’ he said as he runs towards Zomboss’ laboratory he smashes through the gates and finds the hover-goat 3000 but not only the hover-goat 3000 but a Gigantuar and 7 Super Brainz. 


‘I mean I think you know where the story goes’ ‘right?’


The stump runs away and jumps into a cannon to shoot himself back to Crazy Dave’s tree house, the stump calls in recruitments and gets a Giga Torchwood, a Sunflower Queen and a Super Bean, Hover-goat 3000’s recruitments and him start charging at the Stump with his recruitments and they all battle it out, CRASH, BANG, SNIPE, People fall to the ground.


To Be Continued…

My Goals

This Term my goals are to fix my handwriting, get quicker maths answers in my head so I can answer more quickly and read faster, I want to get better at PE like get better at long distance and sprinting. I want to achieve more then acquired this term because then I won’t have anything bad to reflect on at the end of this term. I’d like to get better at Te Reo Maori.

The Starting Of Term 2

This is the start of my second term in year 7, I have been doing everything I had to do in term 1 but this term I would like to do more then I need to do., and I would like to accomplish things I may not of acquired last term. I have been doing literacy,  in literacy I had to do handwriting, spelling, writing stories and doing some reading tests, my goals for literacy this term is still handwriting and reading out loud better, in maths I have been doing multiplications, factors, divisions and subtractions, my goals for maths this term are being able to get the answers quicker and not to over complicate things, In Te Reo Maori I have been learning the numbers up to 1000 and the days of the week.