Kaitiakitanga-Rapauara Playground

We have been learning about kaitiakitanga about looking after Rapuara play area in front of the juniors. We have learnt that kids have been going through the bushes and the plants in the garden and wrecking them, they’re basically like bulldozers and the trees and plants were their target. The plants have been demolished and the tree has had all of its branches that are alive facing in one direction. 

Here is a list of things about this tree


-branches broken

-dead branches

-kids hanging off them

-the tree is facing one direction

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Kaitiakatanga is how we respect the grounds around us and we have also learnt about how to help the garden from the little kids because they run threw the bushes and break them by twisting them backwards, they’ve been treading through the bushes and garden, wrecking everything around them. I am learning that kaitiakitanga for me means to be a guardian and look after the environment for future generations.

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