Month: February 2023

The Desired Treasure Chest

A Long, Long time ago there was a ship called the sigma ship and the pirate that owned it was called sigma male, he had long brown hair, a glazing smile and an amazing cheek bone.

But then there was a sigma war and all of the sigmas came out of there sigma ships and fought until the death and they also got the award of being “The Real Sigma Pirate” so they fought and they fought, ships sunken, pirates shrunken into skeletons, and they also saw a big bowl of gelatins. The Sigma male went over to the bowl of jelly because jelly was his favorite food because he liked how the jelly jiggled in his big fat belly. So he picked the bowl up, scooped it out with his hook and gobbled it all up, but it turned out it was a trap so sigma male’s reflexes kicked in and he body slammed another sigma male from behind. But then every other sigma male was dead so he got the award of “The Real Sigma Pirate” but then one awful day he went to the beach and saw a crab in his mind he thought: Arrr that must be breakfast Arrrr, so he went to go get the crab but then suddenly OH NO the crab pinched his foot and ran away.


The next day it turned out Sigma male was allergic to crabs so he was a goner.


Bye Bye Mister Sigma male. So here is how the story continues.



 Let’s just rewind a little bit.


So I woke up at 9:00 which was so nice because I always love little sleep-ins because then you wake up without being rushed somewhere and you also get a nice sleep-in. I went to get some breakfast and I chose weet bix and I added my milk and ate it. I then went to brush my teeth and get dressed.


I went to see my friend, Duke. Then he said that he saw his friend with a girl and they were going to the park, so we did what any good friend would do: spy on them. So we went to the park and spotted them on the swing set and so we jumped into the bush and then we saw them walking away, and we thought that they saw us.

But we still followed them and we kept following them until we ended up at the beach.


They went into the water with a little boat, so me and Duke went home to get our boat that we bought. We then rushed back to the beach and tried to find them and we saw two little dots on a square quite far away so we rushed in and zoomed to them. We then saw this weird darker patch in the ocean and so me and Duke were like “oh yeah we need to see what this is” so we put our oxygen tanks on and our scuba goggles and so we dived in and went down to investigate we also saw this underwater cave and if you go into it there’s an open bit that you can breath through.

So we went down to the dark patch and WOW that’s AMAZING IT’S A SUNKEN SHIP, WHAT IS THAT!? I SEE A CHEST LOOKING THING, hold on  Duke be quiet look over there, it looks like there’s a fat octopus like a kraken. So we must be very quiet and quickly grab the chest and bring it up to the surface.



We got up to our boat and then we zoomed to the shore but we could see it following us.

So we kept going and we just made it to shore so we gassed it back home and hid it under Duke’s bed and so we waited until Duke’s mum went out and she FINALLY left the house.


We opened it up and WOW SO SHINY no I’m just kidding all we found was a box full of $50 notes, there was nothing shiny how sad.





Today in technology, I made kebabs on rice with sausages instead of chicken.

I made mine with sausages, onion, mushroom, pineapple and capsicum, I made a nice marinade for the meat and in my marinade was: 1 teaspoon of brown sugar, 1 Tablespoon of soy sauce, 1/4 of  garlic and 1 Tablespoon of butter chicken curry paste.

Firstly I stirred up the marinade and made sure that all the lumps were nice and smooth, then I cut up my sausage into small pieces and I put all the sausages into my marinade which was in my small metal bowl and I mixed the sausages together until they were all covered in marinade.

I got a stick and shoved it through the sausages and onions and etc.

I put some sweet chilli sauce into my rice and gave it a good stir, and then I ate my kebabs on  rice and it was delicious.

Life Cycle Of A Frog


Today In Literacy, We had to explain of how a life cycle of a frog works and how they progress, so this is my explanation of how it works.

If you can’t read it cause it’s too small here are the words: Firstly the eggs are laid on the ground, then they turn into a tadpole (they don’t leave the water until they are an adult frog), Then they progress to a froglet and lastly they transform into an adult frog, and then leave the water.


Today we had to play 3 games and rate them out of 5 and I gave Hit the Button a 2/5 I also Gave Maths Choppity chop a 4/5 and last but not least I gave Maths Climber a 5/5. I had to learn about maths times tables in the game and also get the correct answer to win the game.

200 Word Story

I invited my friends over to come and have an all-nighter at Thompson Park inside of the skating bowl, Duke accepted the invitation and so did Benji and Felim also came. We got lots of junk food like: Chocolate, Pizza, Biscuits, lollies and burgers, we each brought our own torches, sleeping bags, pillows and clothes.

I brought a really loud speaker and we blasted out music for like 5 hours and then we went out for a play on Thompson park at 12:00 pm and we brought our torches, it was really funny though because Duke climbed up the flying fox and was about to ride it so he jumped and it turned out the flying fox wasn’t right there so Duke fell onto the bark causing a grace on his knee.

We heard this screaming so we ran to investigate the slide hence it sounded like it was coming from there so we climbed up and we saw Felim sitting down rocking because he had just saw a man who was pitch black and he witnessed that guy slap a raccoon. We lifted him up and said that he would be okay and that it was just a raccoon and raccoons are pests so it doesn’t really matter.

Water Safety


Identify 4 unsafe things happening in the picture: The guy in the red shirt pushing the blue shirted kid into the water, The girls in the middle flipping their boat, The girl fishing in a public lake and the girl with the pink shirt jumping off the platform with the No Jumping Sign.

Explain why they’re unsafe: The girl in the pink shirt jumping off the platform has a “No jumping” sign and clearly it’s there for a reason, The guy pushing the boy in the blue shirt into the water is unsafe because it might be deeper than he expected or he could scrape himself on the floor of the lake, the girl fishing in the public lake with swimmers nearby is unsafe because the hook could attach to him and the girls in the middle flipping their boat because they could drown them selves on accident.

First Day Of Tech

Today (Thursday, February 9th) we went to Tech and my group did Cooking, We made fruit salads with Peaches, Apples, Oranges, Grapes and bananas with some lemon juice and passion fruit topping and at the end we got to choose if we wanted either Custard or Yogurt, We put them in smoothie cups and ate it with a plastic spoon.

We got to chop up all the fruits by ourselves, add our toppings and wash our dishes which was so fun.

My group was Josiah, Jed, Angus and I. We made our own individual fruit salad cups and it turned out everyone in my group chose custard for our toppings.

Week 1 Reflection

At Rāwhiti, my first week of being a senior. I have been doing a lot of rotation activities in our Kaiawhina groups To see one of my rotation activity check on my other blog post called: Avatar.

I have signed up for as man things as I could and things I could be good at.

It takes a while to get used to the classroom and where to eat but I think I’m already used to it by now, I am also 1 step closer to being at high school.

I am excited for this year because we can sign up for lots more things and we can also swap Kaiawhina groups if we want to be in a group with our friends.

I have also learnt about Waitangi a bit more.