Year: 2023

End Of The Year Reflection

I have had many things this year like camp, athletics, top team and much more.

I have liked this year because I have been able to get involved in a lot more things than I had used to, my goals were not getting distracted by others, being able to get my multiplication on target and getting my handwriting better by practising at different times, I have accomplished all of my goals this year.

When I first came to Tangaroa I was a bit nervous, but the teachers made me feel at home, and they helped me settle in, I made some more friends and was beginning to like this class now, I love Tangaroa now and it has been my favourite class out of all the years, I can’t wait for high school.

My next year goals are to be able to accomplish things I once could never do, and I’d like to be able to make my handwriting fancy instead of it being a plain font.

My highlights for this year were camp because I got to do lots and lots of fun activities and we got to do the best forest walks and get to go inside of a river, top team because it was fun to do all of these cool activities, athletics because I got to compete in the races we had to do, and zones because I got to try to get to Canterburys, I didn’t but I was happy to get to zones.

When I leave school I want to be a lawyer.


Side Stroke Steps

This is how to do the Side Stroke in the pool.

Arm Movements.

  1. Your leading arm is extended forward with the palm facing downwards.
  2. Your trailing arm rests on your side.
  3. You sweep your leading arm backward with a half circle movement. 
  4. You move your other arm forward until the two arms meet.
  5. You move your bottom arm back to its extended position with the palm facing down.
  6. You sweep your other arm backwards until it is in its original position.
  7. After that you glide for a bit before repeating the cycle. 

Leg Movements.

  1. Extend your legs and point your toes.
  2. Move your top leg forward until your hip and knee joints are just less than 45°
  3. Your bottom leg moves in the opposite direction, it bends a bit backward at the hip, but a lot at the knee.
  4. You extend your bottom leg and kick your top leg back to its original position.
  5. You then repeat the cycle.


Top Team 2023

On Tuesday we had people come in from Canterbury Primary Sports, we got to do lots of activities such as: a big ski board and we had to all lift our feet at the same time and move them forward to try and move, we had a sponge bucket to bucket challenge where we had a sponge and 2 buckets, we had to make sure that we got as much water from one bucket to another without the water dripping too much, we also had a golf ball one where we had this gutter type things and some golf balls we had to get the golf balls one end to the other into another bucket and see how much we got up at the end, we had a tic tac toe one which was so fun, we had to run real fast and place down a nought or a cross, last but not least we had a tennis ball and put it on to the end of the big spoon and we had to do a hard obstacle course.

After all of the activities we had to stay in our team and our scores got added up and we had drum rolls for the top 3, it turns out we got 4th but over all Top team was very fun and it was very hot, so the sponge challenge came in handy and it refreshed us.

Over all I reckon I had used all of the R.I.S.E values on Tuesday because to achieve things we needed to work as a team and were able to do the right things at the right time, especially the ski board one.

Zones For Athletics

On Tuesday, we had Athletics Zones, In order to make it to zones you have to make the top two of your race / activity, I came 1st for middle distance so I went to zones for that, I had to do a very big run around a 400 meter track and we had to do three laps, it was very tiring but I got 4th at the end  of the day. Sadly I didn’t make it in for Canterburys but that is alright it just matters that I was there and I was having fun.

First Aid

On Monday, we had someone from St John come in and talk to us about first aid, she taught us about Dr’s ABC’S.

  • Danger
  • Response
  • Send
  • Airway
  • Breathing
  • CPR
  • Defibrillation

We had a mannequin to test our CPR on, we had to learn all of these things just in case something like this happens, it could happen any day and we should be able to know how to handle them and how to help out. These will be handy if you wanted to be a doctor, a police officer, a fireman or just any job that involves stuff that could injure at any moment.

Athletics Day 2023

On Monday it was senior athletics day for Year 4-8. It was quite cloudy, overcast, humid and warm, it was nice to do everything in this type of weather, last time we had to do it in the rain. I couldn’t wait to start athletics day because it is fun, challenging and it’s encouraging to get yourself out there to compete.

My favourite activity I did was middle distance, it was a 1km distance and we had to go around the school a certain way, we had to get past the finish line in under 3 mins 35 secs to be able to qualify for zones. I came 1st place for middle distance and have qualified for zones.

The next activity I did was sprints, I had to race 5 people in one race and try to sprint for the finish, there is a certain amount of people in one race and the top 2 that finish go off to the finals, there is 3 groups of 5 so I got 2nd in my race so I went off to the finals at the end of the day.

My favourite activity was high jump. We had to make it over 1.10m there was more than 3 of us that made it over 1.10 metres so we had to keep going higher, the next height was 1.15m and when 4 of us made it past so we had to go higher, it got to the point it was too high so we had to decrease it but we made it 1.17m instead. Luckily I made it and I am now going to zones.

At the end of the day was sprint finals and relay races. I had to do my sprint finals and had to race 6 other people that were accepted into the finals, I had to run quite fast but didn’t make it into zones.

The last thing we had to do was the relay races, I would’ve done it but there wasn’t that many people that wanted to do it in my year group so I couldn’t of but that’s alright.

I think it was a successful day for myself, my friends and for everyone.

Writing Prompt

What do I like to do when I’m not at school?

I like to play video games, eat snacks, laze around and watch movies. I like to be chilled out sometimes but I then go out and about from time to time when I’m feeling energetic. I like running around or kicking a ball outside, I take my dog out on walks and sometimes go for a run with her. Over all I just like being active.

What is the best thing on the playground?

I think the playground called Hiki Hiki is my favourite playground because it has 2 net swings, it has a rotating climber, it has a big slide, a small slide, a flying fox and monkey bars. My favourites are the net swings and the rotating climber.

What would I like to invent?

I would like to invent a portable teleportation machine that can teleport you to school. It can get you to work on time, makes it that you don’t have to rush. It could be very handy if you were playing hide and seek or if you were trying to get out of a situation you don’t want to handle. I will be able to have a chill morning before going to school because than I can just do everything quickly and then teleport my way to school, It would be handy in man hunt too.



Today in circle time we learnt instructions and how we will need them in life, and how we have to know how to handle them. Here are some examples of instructions:

  • “Cream the butter & the sugar until it’s light & fluffy,”
  • “Milk the teas,”
  • “Cut the apples.”

We need to learn how to handle instructions hence we are going to camp soon, we will need to respond well and react well to the instructions given because if we don’t listen or don’t do the instructions properly, we might get ourselves into danger or anything like that.


Today in Maths I did some probability tasks, they were quite easy hence I have been practising, and they were really fun to accomplish.


This one was that we had to put a certain                                                       This one was that we had to colour the

amount of lollies into this bag by reading the                                                 boxes randomly however we want and

fractions on the side.                                                                                            then we have to write them in fractions

and then write them into percentages.