Rhymey Free write

I walked down a street and saw some feet I saw a deer and kids doing truth or dare, I went to my room and got hit by a broom,

I saw a ford and got real bored. I ran outside and jumped into a bush and I heard a shush I saw two rings and a bird flapping its wings.

I saw one of my friends sitting on a bench and my dad using a wrench,

I saw my friend Sonny its pretty funny though because it was really sunny.

My friend Sonny found a leaf and he added it to his Christmas reef.Sonny also found a pirate hook after he read his humongous book.

I thought Sonny had good luck because he also found a duck.

Sonny found so much loot but my mum said im such a hoot.I thought to myself that Sonny was like a magnet for things you hardly find.

He invited me over to his house and before I knew it we saw a mouse, we kept on walking we saw a bush before I knew it I had fallen over and we also saw an English Dover. I ran to the park and tripped on some bark I fell onto the grass luckily it wasn’t glass.

I thought that I could run away and never come back ever again but I forgot my parents had phones and they could call the cops.

Once I was late from school by 30 minutes and my parents had the cops outside because they thought I had been kidnapped.

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