Year: 2022

Rhymey Free write

I walked down a street and saw some feet I saw a deer and kids doing truth or dare, I went to my room and got hit by a broom,

I saw a ford and got real bored. I ran outside and jumped into a bush and I heard a shush I saw two rings and a bird flapping its wings.

I saw one of my friends sitting on a bench and my dad using a wrench,

I saw my friend Sonny its pretty funny though because it was really sunny.

My friend Sonny found a leaf and he added it to his Christmas reef.Sonny also found a pirate hook after he read his humongous book.

I thought Sonny had good luck because he also found a duck.

Sonny found so much loot but my mum said im such a hoot.I thought to myself that Sonny was like a magnet for things you hardly find.

He invited me over to his house and before I knew it we saw a mouse, we kept on walking we saw a bush before I knew it I had fallen over and we also saw an English Dover. I ran to the park and tripped on some bark I fell onto the grass luckily it wasn’t glass.

I thought that I could run away and never come back ever again but I forgot my parents had phones and they could call the cops.

Once I was late from school by 30 minutes and my parents had the cops outside because they thought I had been kidnapped.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕝𝕦𝕗𝕗𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝔼𝕝𝕗

𝔽𝕝𝕦𝕗𝕗𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝔼𝕝𝕗

The 23rd of Dec, 2022.

I went to bed after patting my fluffy elf door knob hanger.

The 24th of Dec, 2022.

I woke up and got breakfast but something felt different but I don’t know what, I had breakfast, got dressed, brushed my teeth, had a shower and made my mum a cup of tea I still had no idea what felt different because that was my daily routine.

I went to the dairy to get some milk and bread for my family and the owner wasn’t at the counter so I rang the waiting bell and he appeared from behind which was pretty scary. I ran back home and saw an old granny trying to cross the busy road so I stopped and came to help her across, after that I carried on to my house. I finally made it.

I toddled off to bed and pat my door handle wait MY DOOR HANDLE?! I found out what felt different it was that my elf wasn’t there but I felt really tired so I just hopped into bed and fell asleep.

Christmas Day,

I woke up and went to try find  my elf friend but I was today’s age when I found out it was 3:00 in the morning. I saw Santa sitting next to the fireplace and Santa’s hat was as white as snow and his tie turned into a bow my mind went blank and I just said to myself this can’t be happening.

In a blink of an eye my elf appeared.

Term Four Maths

Today we had to make a poster about angles and here is my one.

How many angles do you know I would  like to hear them leave a comment to tell me. For those who don’t know what a vertex is its the highest point.

Quick write

I was running away from her trying to escape through some bushes wait lets rewind a bit, My name is Malachi and I was running away from my mum after I broke her favourite dish and I fell over and just got up before she caught up with me but I was really good with running away and dodging things since I’m the best player at subway surfers 😁. I’m really proud of myself because I bet my high score yesterday and I feel pretty confident that I can get away from her 🙃. I ran away and I saw this guy holding lollies and he threw one at me because I zoomed passed real fast unless he was just really weird 🤨.

I ran into a bush trying to escape and I got a prickle inside my leg.

Island Of The Lost

Island Of The Lost

September 16, 2020.

One day me and my friend Sonny were strolling down the beach and we found a wooden boat crashed up on  against some rocks near the beaches shore. We wend down to it and Sonny slipped on one of the rocks and scraped his knee and when he looked at it there was blood dripping down his leg his blood was red as jam and his dead skin was white as snow. -He just moved on like nothing happened.

We kept on going down and we finally reached the boat and it had quite a lot of damage, before we were hardly working and now were working hardly.

We repaired the boat and tested it on the sea and boom it worked, so we begged my mum if he could take us to the island we found near port levy the other day. The answer was NO! I will not take you to the island.

And then I WILL! shouted a distance person it was my dad and we got to go down to the island dad drove us down there and it was really hot so we drove passed Mcdonalds and got a soft serve.

We were really excited and we ended up jumping out of the car before we parked and we rolled down the sandy hill into the water. Me and Sonny got out our boogie boards and swam over to the island and we made it to the island and found a wooden button on a tree. BOOP! We clicked it and then it opened up a passage way down under the water and we ended up being in a huge jungle. And we went into a bush and saw another bush and another and another (A FEW HOURS LATER) we ended up being in a loop and we couldn’t find the way back up the stairs so I tried to get out my phone but UH OH I left in the car, and then we saw a spider that soon got eaten by a massive snake OH HEWL NAHHHHHHH! We both ran away and hid under neath a tree stump that had an entrance and we ducked and hid there for about 5 minutes.

We ran to two big trees and found a big tent that me and Sonny shared for as long as we were here and then suddenly we heard a shout of my dad saying GET BACK IN THE CAR GUYS! QUICK I NEED TO GO HOME AND EAT SOME FOOD I’M HUNGRY.

And then we found the exit and ran back to the car and begged by saying GIMME FISHIE AND CHIPPIES and so we got some fish ‘n’ chips.


3D Pyramid And A 3D Cube

Today in maths, I got to make a three dimensional square based pyramid and a three dimensional cube using blue tack and toothpicks and it was really fun. We did this activity with Whaea Emma.

This was really hard to make since they kept falling down and there was only 1 iPad to take a photo of them and I just got to take a photo before it collapsed.

My Teapot

This is my teapot I made with Mathigon on Tangram Builder and it was pretty easy to make all I had to do was get two triangles and put it as the handle and get a square. I had two triangles, one square, two bigger triangles, one medium triangle and one rhombus.

Cake Recipe

At school we had to read a book called “The witch in the cherry tree” and it was pretty cool I also got to make a recipe for what I thought a witches cake would have inside of it.