Book Covers

Today we looked at book covers and how people design them. We then created our own cover for a book and shared it with our Literacy group.

I made this book cover about a creepy old witch house, that had a really cool looking house. It was really fun and would recommend it to others.

Action Stations

Today was the first day of Action Stations of the term,  I am doing Card Games with Caroline, I really enjoyed it and we learnt a new game called Five Hundred, I am in a group with Vinny, Travis, Noah.G and Elliot.

We also did some magic tricks and some other different things with cards, we then played Uno and I got a really good set of cards. I am looking forward to next time.

Koru Games

For the past 3 days (Tuesday – Thursday) I have been doing Koru Games, and for the tournament I was in the Boy’s Dodgeball Team, and we had won all the games without losing a single one, we came first place out of all the teams and we got golden medals for 1st place prize.

We were very proud of ourselves and we had lots of fun, the people that were in the team were, Wainui, Lawrence, Noah.B, Me, Angus, Benji, Max.W, Mason.B, Joel and Rieko, We were very happy that we managed to beat the others, but we also kept a good sportsmanship towards the opponents.

Franken Stories

Round 1

He looked like Albert Einstein if he had been resurrected from the dead, he also looked like he had been stirring up some evil plot and making a potion to do harm or something even worse.

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Round 2

His voice was as deep as the ocean, he sounded as if he had been drained of all his energy and his voice was as mysterious as the cold dark potion, he had been stirring up with mischief and

2 votes
3 ❤️
Round 3

They smelled if there was a massive stinky beast that had died inside of him and the odor was just melting out side. He had so much pong, that if you put him in the shower for 70 years, it still wouldn’t over power the stench of him. If you smelt it you could probably die, from exhaustion and sadness because you couldn’t breath.

7 votes
8 ❤️
Round 4

Their skin felt as if a cheese grater had grated lots and lots of moldy, greasy bumps onto his skin, if you put your hands on him, you would feel the uncomforting, gross feeling that felt like you were touching spiders and slugs. His hair was as greasy as a spider’s egg sac.

0 votes
2 ❤️
Round 5

He was stirring his potion in his secret room, a room that was filled with cobwebs and rats, you have to get through layers of traps, if you made it you could be happy but if you get found, you will get put into a nappy, he makes his potions inside of a cauldron, he sticks his fingers in to test if it is warm or cold, he is very creepy and gets to lots of trouble, but if he gets found by the monsters of the dark, he would get ripped apart.

3 votes
2 ❤️
Title round

The creepy man that makes lots of potions, that can cause disaster

1 vote
1 ❤️

Email Literacy Task

In Literacy today, we had to finish off our writing  about a fake email about a complaint that there was an extension of school hours… And here is mine!

Hello MP, 

My name is [Insert Name Here] and I would like to file a complaint about the extension of school hours, most people work 9 till 5, however some people don’t. That could be a very BIG problem, the reason for that being is because people could start work at 2:00pm and finish at 6:00pm.

 This would make it really hard to arrange someone to pick up their child from school at the new extended hours.

  Although it could improve up to 15% increase in literacy levels and a 20% improvement in numeracy skills, it won’t be good for people that have very hard working jobs and need the money for it.

I would like you to reverse these extended school hours because it is VERY hard for me to get my kids from school, whilst getting money from my job. 

I would be VERY grateful if you changed these extended school hours back to normal, the change from 9am – 3pm to 9am – 5pm will be very hard for me to get my kids back from school and home safely, because we live a 20 minute walk, a 15 minute bike and a 10 minute drive away from school.

So please help everyone with letting this extension of school hours all blow away.

Sincerely, [Insert Name Here]

I had a buddy and we had to show each other our work on this, my buddy said I did great and he also said that it was very clear what I wanted to be done and how it could’ve affected  people.

Something Lost Writing Task

It was a very cold night, I saw 3 people run up a sand dune, and out of my sight, I was just lying on the sand on the beach, and saw those 3 people, I stayed lying on the beach and then started to draw some stuff on the sand, I was half way through drawing my snake until I heard a weird chant, ooh ma chaga ooh ma chaga ooh ooh ooh ma chaga, there it was again, ooh ma chaga ooh ma chaga ooh ooh ooh ma chaga, I snuck up the sand dune and hid behind the bench, they turned around and I layed down on the sand, I then saw 2 glowing rock looking things covered in nets, I looked to see what it was and then I realized that these 2 glowing rocks looked like my gems that I kept at my house for good luck.


I ran towards them and said “HEY, THOSE ARE MY GEMS, GO AWAY!” they just picked them up and ran, I followed closely, they then went around a corner that I knew was a dead end, I slowed down and walked around the corner, I said “come out, I know you’re in here” nothing happened, I looked for 5 minutes and still no sighting, I started to think this was fake, I then slapped myself to see if I felt anything, but I had no feeling, I then panicked and woke up, turns out it was just a dream.


I got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth and had a look around my room for my gems. They weren’t there, I panicked again, I slapped myself but I did have feelings this time. I ran to the beach, looked at the exact same place that I had my dream, and there was nothing there. I had a second sweep around the beach, but nothing happened.


I went home and decided that maybe it just was time for me to get those rocks out of the house. I decided to forget about it and just sat on my couch and watched tv.

Science Fair

Today we went down to look at the science fair stuff in the hall, I had a look around and found my display board, and also my periodic tile, I looked around and saw lots of cool things that people have done, I had done a display board about elephant toothpaste, everyone else had really cool things, I saw one that you had to hold a stick on both ends that have metal around it, and then it would light up and make a sound.

There were lots of marble coarse races, and lots of display boards,  there were also lots of posters and animations. we saw lots of really cool experiments and displays, I think that most of the other students stuff were really cool and that they did a very good job.